
JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted programming language. It is designed to create network-interactive applications. It is supported and integrated with Java. . It is open and cross-platform.

Reasons to learn Javascript

JavaScript is a MUST for students and professionals who want to become good software engineers, especially when working in web development. I will list some of the benefits of learning JavaScript:

  • JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world and that makes it a great choice for programmers. Once you learn JavaScript, it helps you create great front-end and back-end software using various JavaScript-based frameworks like jQuery, Node.JS, etc.
  • JavaScript is everywhere, it is embedded in modern web browsers and so to learn JavaScript you don’t need a special environment setup. For example, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and all the browsers you know today support JavaScript.
  • JavaScript helps you to create beautiful websites very quickly. You can use control panel to give your website a look and feel and give your users the best graphical user experience.
  • The use of JavaScript has now spread to mobile app development, desktop app development and game development. This opens up a lot of possibilities for you as a JavaScript programmer.
  • Due to the high demand, there is a lot of job growth and high salaries for people who know JavaScript. You can browse various job sites to see how JavaScript skills are available in the job market.
  • The advantage of JavaScript is that you will find many methods and libraries that can be used directly in your software development to reduce your time to market.

There are probably thousands of good reasons to learn JavaScript programming. But one thing is for sure, to learn any programming language, not just javascript, you just have to code, code and finally code until you become an expert.

Applications of JavaScript programming

As mentioned earlier, JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages ​​(Front-end and Back-end). It is available in almost all areas of software development. some of these are following

  • Client-side Validation – It is very important to check every user input before submitting it to the server and JavaScript plays an important role in validating these inputs on the front end itself.
  • Using HTML pages – JavaScript helps manipulate HTML pages on the fly. This makes it easy to add and remove any HTML tags using javascript and edit your HTML to change its appearance according to different devices and requirements.
  • User Notifications – You can use JavaScript to create dynamic pop-ups on web pages to provide different types of notifications to your website visitors.
  • Loading data backend – JavaScript provides an Ajax library that helps in loading end-point data while doing other processing. It gives your website visitors an amazing experience.
  • Presentations – JavaScript also provides the ability to create presentations that give the appearance of a website. JavaScript provides the RevealJS and BespokeJS libraries for creating web-based slideshows. Server
  • Applications – Node JS is based on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime environment to build web applications quickly and dynamically. It is a program-based library that helps in creating sophisticated server applications, including web servers.

The list goes on, there are different areas where millions of software developers are happily using JavaScript to create beautiful websites and other software